“In July of 1847, the first company of pioneers entered the Salt Lake Valley after having trekked across the American West in search of a new home where the Saints could worship the Lord free of persecution. Many members in North America can trace their heritage back to these pioneer ancestors. But for most members of the Church worldwide, their pioneer heritage began elsewhere, either with recent ancestors who joined the Church or perhaps even with themselves as they became the first person in their family, community, or nation to embrace the gospel.
This month, as we celebrate our pioneer ancestry, you could ask yourself: Where did my legacy of faith begin? What sacrifices did the pioneers in my ancestry make to dedicate their lives to the Church? How can I honor and share their legacy?” (Liahona, July 2019)
While Pioneer Day is a big holiday within the LDS community, there are still many of us who do not have ancestors that crossed the plains with Brigham Young. Earlier this week Carolynn shared the idea to rely on the Pioneer ancestors of others as their stories still play a big part in the history of our faith. Although we are not related to them by blood, we can still feel a great connection to and be inspired by them. Another great way to celebrate pioneer day is to recognize and honor the pioneers from our own families who showed great faith and courage in their own ways, and to also recognize the ways in which we can emulate the pioneers in our own lives.
We would love to hear about YOUR legacy of faith. Who are the pioneers in your family? How do you display the pioneer spirit?