Pioneer Day, 1 year ago, I found myself holding back the tears. Drained & with no option for employees in sight, I sat at work, wishing with all my heart that I could be with my family, just for that day. We had family visiting from out of town & I knew that I was confined to my store for another 11 hours. With no ability to hold back the tears, I hid in my back room, sobbing & praying that no one would come in, I didn’t want to be seen.
While praying & trying to control my emotions, the words entered my mind, “What brings you joy?” I was surprised… What does brings me joy? I thought of 2 things, Hand-lettering & Family History. It was a moment of clarity, I am my own boss, I don’t have to “work” today, I can take a break!
I decided to hop on to lds.org to find the perfect Pioneer Day quote to hand-letter. I found the quote above in a beautiful talk given by Gordon B. Hinkley, “The Faith to Move Mountains”. Then, I researched one of my Pioneer ancestors as a part of my #131names project (I’ll explain in stories today).

I want to share this story today, because it was a day that has CHANGED me. I was able to take a rotten day & completely turn it around… I went on to fall in love with an ancestor, I went on to ENJOY my day, I went on to feel strengthened & uplifted. But MORE than just that day, I learned a powerful lesson. I learned that family history is a tool for SELF-CARE!
It’s deeper & longer lasting than getting my nails done or indulging in a Netflix binge. I am learning that when I can set aside my worries for a moment & focus on my family history, I can feel renewed & re-energized! When I read my ancestors stories, I feel real strength & more often than not, the story turns out to be the story that I needed to read. When I spend time researching, I feel good, knowing that I am serving my loved ones! When I look at family photos with my children, I am reminded of all the blessings in my life. Family History is FILLED with love & goodness, it’s hard not to have a better day when you remember to step back & use it as a tool for self-care.
I truly believe that “their faith is our inheritance” IF we seek it.