Recording our personal history is an important part of our family history! I feel like some times, this part of family history can be overlooked as we spend time learning about the ancestors that came before us. But, as we look forward, we will have future generations who will want to know about US! As we record our own personal histories, we are strengthened as we see our own growth AND we provide a way for future generations to know and connect with us. 💛
You can also read my article from The Small Seed Blog and learn why recording my personal history is so important to me.
Today I’m sharing 4 tips for getting started recording your personal history. We’d love to hear what goals you set or how you record your personal history already! Also, keep an eye on our stories today where I’ll feature some of my favorite ways I record my personal history!
Recording Personal Experiences with the Gospel of Jesus Christ
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Something that has become really important to me is intentionally having experiences with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and recording those experiences -both for our future selves, and also for our posterity.
An idea that came to me a couple years ago was to be intentional about recording and compiling my kids’ spiritual experiences.
I feel strongly that record keeping is a valuable tool, especially when it comes to building and maintaining a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. One of the biggest tools, if not the biggest, that Satan will use against us is to try to get us to forget Jesus Christ, to forget our testimonies, to forget the experiences that we have had with the gospel. If he can get us to forget, he gains great power and ability to lead us away.
I have been recording these experiences for my children (and as they get older I encourage them to write them down themselves) because I want them to have a record. Like Nephi, in The Book of Mormon, I want my children to be able to look back over their lives and see how the tender mercies of the Lord were over them, because of their faith, to make them mighty even unto the power of deliverance.
Relationships are built by having experiences together. I want my children to not only build a strong relationship with God, but also to remember those experiences that have built that relationship.
IG:Â @goodmorningshelly